AEPCO Boosts Reliability Compliance
AEPCO continues to:
- Enhance its reliability compliance program
- Build on the strong foundation of sweeping changes implemented across the board in recent years
As a regulated entity, AEPCO is responsible for complying with:
- 60 reliability standards
- 1,300 requirements
Mandated by:
- The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and enforced
- The North American Electric Reliability Corporation
- The Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC)
AEPCO has made significant advances in its:
- Compliance processes
- Staff reorganization
- Executive involvement
- Implementation of cybersecurity software
In the years to come, AEPCO will:
- Continue to build on this progress
- Move toward a robust and mature compliance program
AEPCO’s highest priorities in 2020 were implementation of:
- Comprehensive cybersecurity software to reduce manual processes
- Revised compliance procedures
- Improved internal compliance controls
- Enhanced physical security with installation of new security equipment and hiring security personnel
Focusing on Key Areas of Compliance
Beyond regulatory compliance, we are working to ensure reliability through a comprehensive organization-wide program to:
- Quantify risk
- Categorize it
- Minimize negative effects
- Maximize positive opportunities
We Abide by State & Federal Regulations
Various federal and state regulators affect Arizona G&T Cooperatives including the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC), which regulates our:
- Rates
- Facilities sitings
- Other issues
For more information about state and federal regulations, visit our Environment Stewardship page.