AzGT Contributes to our Communities
Through our Member distribution cooperatives, AzGT provides direct donations to:
- Many local organizations
- Regional organizations
- Charities
- Other organizations
From 2012 to 2021, we provided $356,020 in donations to:
- Charities
- Community organizations
Our sponsorships focus on:
- Education
- Health
- Wellness
- Youth activities
- Community events
We also:
- Donate funds related to Touchstone Energy activities
- Provide a number of youth scholarships
In addition, we:
- Offer tours of our plant and headquarters
- Provide speakers for community events
We provide substantial indirect support through:
- Shared advertising
- Printed materials
- Meeting space
- Technical support for local organizations and programs
Our in-house print, graphics and audio-visual shop:
- Serves Arizona G&T as well as our Member electric co-ops
- Donates printing and A/V services for many community events
Our employees also exemplify concern for community:
- Donating thousands of hours of their own time
- Donate more than $150,000 annually to local charitable organizations (Personal donations)