Our Financial Support
Arizona G&T Cooperatives and our employees give generously to the communities where we work and live. We contribute to and volunteer for charities, civic clubs, schools and other organizations. AzGT focuses its community donations on causes that our employees support. A survey of our employees and community residents formed the basis for our donation guidelines.
If you would like us to consider your event or organization, please review these guidelines and follow the directions on how to apply for a donation or other support. We look forward to hearing from you!
Arizona G&T Cooperatives are committed to improving the lives of those in our member co-ops’ service areas. This commitment is in keeping with the seven Cooperative Principles, one of which, “Concern for Community,” states: “While focusing on member needs, cooperatives work for the sustainable development of their communities.”
Donation Focus Areas
Four focus areas reflect our values and priorities.
- Education
- Health/Wellness
- Youth Sports/Activities
- Community Events
Criteria/Eligibility for Donations
- Requests must fall into 1 of the 4 focus areas listed above.
- Donations must benefit a group, organization, event or people within the geographic boundaries of our Member cooperatives (View Our Members and Customers page).
We will generally not use funds budgeted for charitable donations to support the following: political organizations, parties, and candidates; religious organizations; or general operating, tax or payroll expenses.
How to Submit a Donation Request
Important–If you have not received a donation from us previously, you must provide us with a completed W-9 Form (PDF).
- A donation request must be submitted on identifying letterhead with all available contact information and the name of a contact person; if e-mailed, the e-mail should include letterhead if possible, but if not, the e-mail must include a brief description of the group/organization/event/persons for which the donation is being requested and all available contact information and the name of a contact person.
- Requests must be brief and specific about the purpose of the request. Include a clear description of the program and its benefits to the community.
- All requests must submit a W-9 form from the requesting entity.
- Donation requests must be submitted four weeks in advance of when funds are needed. Requests made with shorter deadlines will be considered but may not be granted even if the subject of the request meets the criteria.
Based on employee comments in the survey, local groups, organizations, events or persons will be given preference over national organizations or events; however, in cases where employees are actively involved in an event for a national organization (an example would be employees walking to raise pledges for the American Cancer Society), the request will be treated as if it were for local benefit. All other requests for donations to national organizations and events will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Submit Your Request To:
AZGT Communications and Community Relations
PO Box 670
Benson, AZ 85602