CoBank Matches Arizona G&T Cooperatives’ Contributions to Improve Life in Rural Communities
Helping Those Who Help Others
For Immediate Release
- Geoff Oldfather, (520) 586-5465, C: (520) 444-3473, email Geoff Oldfather
- J.D. Wallace, (520) 586-5157, C: (520) 235-4203, email J.D. Wallace

Benson – Arizona G&T Cooperatives has been able to double some of its contributions to local communities with assistance from CoBank, one of its lenders. Together, Arizona G&Ts and CoBank’s Sharing Success program recently provided $3,000 to the Willcox Theater and another $3,000 to the Cochise Education Foundation.
The Willcox Theater provides Matinee My Way for people with challenges such as autism, where movies are shown with lights up and lower sound. “To have you guys as partners is amazing,” said Gary Clement, theater manager. “You have always been there to help us out when we’ve needed it so we can offer this type of program in a rural setting,” he said.
The Cochise Education Foundation awarded 21 teachers from public, private and charter schools with $200 each in mini-grants to provide activities that augment their classroom curriculum. An additional teacher received a $500 grant for incorporating gardening into reading. “This is really big,” said Jacqui Clay, superintendent of Cochise County Schools. “It feeds into our primary goal—economic independence for our students and economic success for our community.”

Arizona G&T Cooperatives contributes to a variety of education and community organizations in the service areas of its Member cooperatives. CoBank matches some of the larger donations.
Sherry Johnson, senior manager of corporate social responsibility for CoBank, says that the Sharing Success program has allowed the bank and its customers to donate more than $40 million to charities across the country.
“Donations to the Willcox Theater and CEF are great examples of why Sharing Success works,” Johnson said. “CoBank relies on the local knowledge of our customers to tell us which organizations are really making a difference in their communities. We commend Arizona G&T Cooperatives on your commitment to community and thank you for allowing CoBank to be a part of your efforts.”
About Arizona G&T Cooperatives
Arizona Electric Power Cooperative (AEPCO) and Sierra Southwest (Sierra) together comprise Arizona G&T Cooperatives. AEPCO owns and operates the 625-megawatt (MW) (combined gross) Apache Generating Station, located at Cochise, east of Benson. AEPCO also owns, operates and maintains 866 miles of electric power transmission line—including line owned in part with other utilities—and 36 substations to provide wholesale electric power from Apache to 6 Member distribution cooperatives in southern Arizona, western New Mexico, northwestern Arizona and California.
Sierra is the vehicle to develop new ways to serve the renewable energy needs of AzGT Member cooperatives and customers, and helps maximize solar and other renewable tax credits. Sierra has initiated 2 utility-scale solar projects. AEPCO’s 20 MW Apache Solar project is located on AEPCO property adjacent to and northeast of Apache Generating Station. The second project includes SunAnza Phase I, a 2 MW solar array, as well as SunAnza Phase II, which includes an additional 1.4 MW solar array and a battery storage system, all on property owned by Anza Electric Cooperative adjacent to its headquarters in Anza, California.
Combined, the distribution cooperatives that receive AEPCO’s wholesale power serve more than 161,000 meters representing more than 420,000 individual residential, commercial, agricultural, and industrial member/consumers.
The Class A Member cooperatives that receive wholesale power from AEPCO include Duncan Valley Electric Cooperative, Duncan; Graham County Electric Cooperative, Pima; Mohave Electric Cooperative, Bullhead City; Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative, Willcox; Trico Electric Cooperative, Marana; and a California member, Anza Electric Cooperative, Anza.
These Member cooperatives own AzGT and, by extension, AzGT’s Member distribution cooperatives are owned by their members—the people at the end of the line who use the power.
AEPCO also serves 5 Class D energy services Members which are scheduling and trading customers and which include the Central Arizona Water Conservation District, Phoenix, AZ; Lincoln County Power District #1, Pioche, NV; Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; Southwest Public Power Agency, Maricopa, AZ; and Valley Electric Association, Pahrump, NV.
AEPCO is also a Member/owner of ACES, a nationwide energy management company that helps its Members and customers buy, sell, and manage energy more efficiently and with less risk. The AEPCO/AzGT Benson campus hosts the ACES West Regional Trading Center (WRTC), which benefits AEPCO/AzGT Members and customers.