The Apache Station Wildlife Area, located next to Apache Generating Station near Cochise, is a primary winter roosting location for sandhill cranes. We supply water for the wildlife area from an onsite well system, supplemented by rainfall. We try to keep at least 40 acres of land inundated with water during the sandhill crane wintering season, which runs from late October until early March.
The Wildlife Area is populated by mammals including javelina, bobcat and deer. Birds of prey include the Northern harrier, red-tailed hawk, ferruginous hawk, bald eagle and golden eagle. Wading birds and waterfowl are present year-round, although numbers reach their peak in the winter months. Frequently seen waterfowl include the snow goose, Northern shoveler, mallard, Northern pintail, and American widgeon.
The viewing area includes a public access road, a parking area, information signs, picnic facilities, public restrooms and a wheelchair-accessible viewing dike that provides unobstructed observation of the wetlands.
Wildlife Viewing Area Schedule
November 1 through March 15: The Wildlife Area is open daily from 5 a.m. to 6 p.m.