Electric Transmission
AEPCO transmits wholesale electric power from Apache Generating Station in Cochise, Arizona, to our 6 Class Amember distribution co-ops, which serve members in:
Southern Arizona
Western New Mexico
Northwestern Arizona
Southern California
miles of transmission line owned all or in part by AEPCO
substations reaching out from Apache Station across Arizona to the northwestern corner of the state
telecommunications towers and an extensive fiber network used to communicate between AEPCO operations centers and substations, members, and customers
It takes a solid, reliable system to transmit power from our plant to our member distribution electric co-ops, and on to their 420,000 consumer-members at the end of the line.
Transmission Partnerships Build Electric Reliability
In recent years, AEPCO has built an impressive track record of successful transmission partnerships among:
Transmission Utilities
Distribution cooperatives
This collaboration is rooted in the knowledge that when the right partners come together, there is an opportunity for mutual benefits—reducing costs, improving reliability, and building a stronger system for a community or even an entire region.
Having achieved lower project costs than our industry peers — and a reputation for quality design, construction, safety and timeliness — AEPCO has taken a lead role in most of these projects.
This track record adds significant value to our partnerships and opens the door to future collaboration. These transmission partnerships enable AEPCO to resolve reliability concerns at the lowest cost and maximum benefit for all concerned.
Brandon Guinane, hot stick lineman apprentice, left, and Dustin Benavides, hot stick lineman, prepare to install new crossarm hardware on the Pantano-New Tucson 230-kilovolt line east of Tucson during a structure changeout project.
AzGT’s transmission crew upgrades the Oracle Junction Substation.